Saturday, November 14, 2009

MFOS Ultimate

Completed Ray Wilsons Ultimate Synth, I'm happy how everything turned out, it gave me an excuse to start this blog with the intent of posting info regarding my projects and any other topics of interest.

To come... The Expander. Just ordered the board and faceplate kit from MFOS. For more info on this project and more please visit


  1. Hiya, I'm thinking of building this thing, several people must have done it already but you seem to be the first (only) to document it online. I've built a few things already (pedals)— is this really challenging beyond what is typical for DiY electronics? I mean, it's still just populating a board, installing components to a faceplate and wiring it together, just that there's MUCH MORE OF IT to do/check than making pedals or a WSG/SLMS, correct?

    I'm really interested in making this MIDI-sequencer controlled. You'd just add a MIDI>CV module and plug it into the SL Ult's CV ins, right?

    I thought offhand you might be somewhere in Europe. I toured through Montreal with a band back in 1999. One thing I remember about Montreal— Squeegee Punks!!

    Thanks, Jason
    Royal Oak, Michigan

  2. Hi Jason,

    You obviously need a bit more focus when building the Ultimate, since focus is something I lack, I had to be very carefull. Tested all the components before soldering them to the board and triple checked the wiring. I also bought a magnifying lens with a light... That was a good investment for me. I couldn't do without.

    Ray's projects are very well documented. I guess anyone with min experience in DIY can do it. Then again, it's not a project you can rush. Patience paid off in my case anyway. I'd suggest building the Mini first. I learned a lot when I built this synth...

    For the midi/CV, I use a Kenton MKI when in need of cv control at the moment.



  3. By the way Jason, I'm not the only one documenting this project., that's the place to go. A forum with tons of info from the DIY community can be found there.

  4. if i may ask, where did you source the banana plugs/jacks and what were the model numbers, if you rememeber?

  5. I bought the parts from Mouser's pre filled cart. See link provided by MFOS that leads to that page:

    You'll find Mouser's part numbers (including the manufacturers) for the banana jacks & plugs... Most of the components needed for this project are listed there.

